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Phone_Master [179] [off]
Salom forumdoshlar. HP Compaq
dx2000MT degan eski
rusumdagi domashniy kompga
windows pereustanovka qilish
paytida mana bu
xato chiqdi: A problem has
been detected and
windows has been shut down
to prevent
damage to your computer. If
this is the first time
you've seen this stop error
screen, restart your
computer. If this screen
appears again, follow
these steps: check for viruses
on your
computer. Remove any newly
installed hard
drives or hard drive controllers.
Check your hard
drive to make sure it is properly
configured and
terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to
check for hard
drive corruption, and then
restart your
computer. Technical
information: *** STOP:
0x0000007B (0xF7BD5524,
0X00000000, 0X00000000)
qanday tuzatsa
bo'ladi? Kompdagi hard disk IDE ekan. Pereustanovkadan
oldin sistema ishlayotgandi.
dx2000MT degan eski
rusumdagi domashniy kompga
windows pereustanovka qilish
paytida mana bu
xato chiqdi: A problem has
been detected and
windows has been shut down
to prevent
damage to your computer. If
this is the first time
you've seen this stop error
screen, restart your
computer. If this screen
appears again, follow
these steps: check for viruses
on your
computer. Remove any newly
installed hard
drives or hard drive controllers.
Check your hard
drive to make sure it is properly
configured and
terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to
check for hard
drive corruption, and then
restart your
computer. Technical
information: *** STOP:
0x0000007B (0xF7BD5524,
0X00000000, 0X00000000)
qanday tuzatsa
bo'ladi? Kompdagi hard disk IDE ekan. Pereustanovkadan
oldin sistema ishlayotgandi.