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BEKSOFT, # BEKSOFT (29.03.2018 / 14:19)
Telegram offical profile Twitter: Our users in Europe, Middle East and the CIS countries are experiencing connection issues at the moment. We are looking into the issue and hope to bring you back onliMenimcha endi qaytmaydiyov Telegram? 1 minut o'chsa o'zi qancha odamni ishi orqaga ketadi? yarim soatdan 1 soatdan beri OFFLINE
Telegram offical profile Twitter: Our users in Europe, Middle East and the CIS countries are experiencing connection issues at the moment. We are looking into the issue and hope to bring you back onliMenimcha endi qaytmaydiyov Telegram? 1 minut o'chsa o'zi qancha odamni ishi orqaga ketadi? yarim soatdan 1 soatdan beri OFFLINE