Yangi formatda davom etish uchun: https://uzfor.net/view.php?act=post&id=75871
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AkmyradoffSoft [458] [off]
salom dostlar, yangi mod tuzub turubman, faqat bitta joyi oxshamayabti... yani pul ishlash modi-da saytim.tm/1.go deb yoziganda ruscha perehod deb chiqmayabti. .hateccs faylga ham yoziladigon codini yozdim. umuman aytganda Click.php faylni johncmsga moslay olmayabman, shunga yordam berivoringlar demochi edim. mana mendagi click.php fayl:
2 daqiqa dan keyin yozdi:
ha aytgancha, bu kodni uzline.ru saytinikiday skriptdan olganman mana orginal click.php:
<?php /** * @author: Egor Smolyakov, 2012. * @mod: Admin Ulty, 2015, december. */ require('../incfiles/core.php'); //$id = abs(intval($_GET['id'])); function go($href) { return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Переход</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url='.$href.'"/> </head><body><a href="'.$href.'"><b>Переход</div></a></b></html>'; } if ($data['id'] == '1') { $set['link_om'] = 'https://yeketak.ru'; $set['link_comp'] = 'https://yeketak.ru'; $set['link_bws'] = 'https://yeketak.ru'; } $set['link_other'] = 'https://yeketak.ru'; echo go($set['link_other']); exit; } { echo go($set['link_bws']); exit; } if ($data > 0) { $click = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `click_db` WHERE `user_id`= '".$data['id']."' AND `ip` = '".$ip."' AND `browser` = '".$useragent."' AND `date` = '".date('d.m.Y')."' LIMIT "),0); $clickip = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `click_db` WHERE `user_id`= '".$data['id']."' AND `ip` = '".$ip."' AND `date` = '".date('d.m.Y')."' LIMIT 1"),0); /* if($click == 0 && $clickip == 0) { if($user['id'] == $data['id']) { $uid_click = 1; } else { $uid_click = 0; } */ //$q = mysql_query("SELECT o.id_oper, o.oper, o.cena_rub, o.rusname FROM ips i LEFT JOIN operators o ON i.id_oper = o.id_oper WHERE INET_ATON('".$ip."') BETWEEN i.astart AND i.aend LIMIT 1"); //$referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? html($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : ''; `s_click`= '".$uid_click."', `referer` = '".$referer."', `user_plus` = '".$user_plus."', `operator_name` = '".$oper."', `user_id`= '".$data['id']."', `ip` = '".$ip."', `browser` = '".$useragent."', "); `rub` =`rub` + 0.05 WHERE `id` = '".$data['id']."'; "); echo go($set['link_bws']); } else { echo go($set['link_bws']); } } else { echo go($set['link_bws']); } } else{ $link_go = $set['link_bws']; exit; } ?>
2 daqiqa dan keyin yozdi:
ha aytgancha, bu kodni uzline.ru saytinikiday skriptdan olganman mana orginal click.php:
<?php /** * @author: Egor Smolyakov, 2012. * @e-mail: mr.stelhammer@gmail.com */ require_once ROOT . '/system/init.php'; // инициализация ядра function go($href) { return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Переход</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url='.$href.'"/> </head><body><a href="'.$href.'"><b>Переход</div></a></b></html>'; } { echo go($set['link_bws']); exit; } $data = $queryread -> fetch(); if ($data > 0) { if($data['banned']) { require_once ROOT .'/misc/go.php'; exit; } $sites = DB :: run() -> querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sites` WHERE `user_id`= ? AND `active` = '1' LIMIT 1;", array($data['id'])); if($sites > 0) { if($click == 0 && $clickip == 0) { if($user['id'] == $data['id']) { $uid_click = 1; }else{ $uid_click = 0; } $q = DB :: run() -> queryFetch("SELECT o.id_oper, o.oper, o.cena_rub, o.rusname FROM ips i LEFT JOIN operators o ON i.id_oper=o.id_oper WHERE INET_ATON('".$ip."') BETWEEN i.astart AND i.aend LIMIT 1"); if(check_smartphone()) { if(!$q) { $oper = 'Другой'; $user_plus = 0.01; $link_go = $set['link_other']; } else { if($q['id_oper'] == 66) { $link_go = $set['link_om']; $user_plus = ($q['cena_rub']/1000); }else { $link_go = $set['link_bws']; $user_plus = ($q['cena_rub']/1000); } $oper = $q['oper'].' ('.$q['rusname'].')'; } }else{ echo go($set['link_comp']); exit; } if($data['ref_id'] != 0) { $rubprc = ($user_plus/100) * $set['ref_prc']; DB :: run() -> query("UPDATE `users` SET `rub` =`rub` + ? WHERE `id` = ?;", } DB :: run() -> query("INSERT INTO `click_db` SET `s_click`=?,`referer` = ?,`user_plus` = ?,`operator_name` = ?,`user_id`= ? , `ip` = ? , `browser` = ? , `date` = ?, `time_click` = ?;", DB :: run() -> query("UPDATE `users` SET `rub` =`rub` + ? WHERE `id` = ?;", echo go($set['link_bws']); }else{ echo go($set['link_bws']); } }else{ echo go($set['link_bws']); } } else { echo go($set['link_bws']); } }else{ $link_go = $set['link_bws']; require_once ROOT .'/misc/go.php'; exit; } ?>