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<?php $_SESSION['error'] = ''; //Функция отображения рейтинга function rating($id, $type = 0) { if(!$id) return '<img class="ico" src="../images/stars/stars_5.gif" alt="0" />'; if($total) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT `golos`, COUNT(*) as `count` FROM `cms_news_rating` WHERE `news`='$id' GROUP BY `golos`"); $array['plus'] = 0; $array['minus'] = 0; else { $array['plus'] = 0; $array['minus'] = 0; } } if($array['plus'] > $array['minus']) { if($array['minus'] == 0) { if($array['plus'] == 1) $count = 60; else if($array['plus'] == 2) $count = 60; else if($array['plus'] == 3) $count = 60; else if($array['plus'] == 4) $count = 70; else if($array['plus'] == 5) $count = 70; else if($array['plus'] == 6) $count = 80; else if($array['plus'] == 7) $count = 80; else if($array['plus'] == 8) $count = 90; else if($array['plus'] == 9) $count = 90; else if($array['plus'] >= 10) $count = 100; } else { if($count == 0)$count = 100; else $count = (100 - $count); } } else if($array['plus'] < $array['minus']) { if($array['plus'] == 0) { if($array['minus'] == 1) $count = 40; else if($array['minus'] == 2) $count = 40; else if($array['minus'] == 3) $count = 40; else if($array['minus'] == 4) $count = 30; else if($array['minus'] == 5) $count = 30; else if($array['minus'] == 6) $count = 20; else if($array['minus'] == 7) $count = 20; else if($array['minus'] == 8) $count = 10; else if($array['minus'] == 9) $count = 10; else if($array['minus'] >= 10) $count = 0; } else { $count = $pr; } } else $count = 50; $percent = $count; if($percent == 100)$stars = 10; else if($percent < 100 && $percent >= 90) $stars = 9; else if($percent < 100 && $percent >= 90) $stars = 9; else if($percent < 90 && $percent >= 80) $stars = 8; else if($percent < 80 && $percent >= 70) $stars = 7; else if($percent < 70 && $percent >= 60) $stars = 6; else if($percent < 60 && $percent >= 50) $stars = 5; else if($percent < 50 && $percent >= 40) $stars = 4; else if($percent < 40 && $percent >= 30) $stars = 3; else if($percent < 30 && $percent >= 20) $stars = 2; else if($percent < 20 && $percent >= 10) $stars = 2; else if($percent < 10 && $percent > 0) $stars = 1; else if($percent == 0) $stars = 0; if($type == 0) return '<img class="ico" src="../images/stars/stars_'.$stars.'.gif" alt="•" />'; else return $percent; } else return '<img class="ico" src="../images/stars/stars_5.gif" alt="•" />'; } if($id) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT `cms_news`.*, `cms_news_cat`.`name` as `catname`, `cms_news_cat`.`id` as `catid` FROM `cms_news` LEFT JOIN `cms_news_cat` ON `cms_news`.`refid`=`cms_news_cat`.`id` WHERE `cms_news`.`id`='$id'".($rights < 7 ? " AND `cms_news`.`time`<='" . time() . "'":"")." LIMIT 1;"); //Показываем новость require_once('../incfiles/head.php'); echo '<div class="menu">'; //Выводим картинку echo '<img style="float: left; margin: 5px 6px 2px 2px; border: 0px;" src="../files/news/news_' . $id . '.png" alt=""/>'; $text = functions::checkout($res1['text'], 1, 1); $text = str_replace('Arsenal', '<a target="_blank" href="'.$set['homeurl'].'/1920-Arsenal_-_Umumiy_malumot.html">Arsenal</a>', $text); if ($set_user['smileys']) $text = functions::smileys($text); echo $text; echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div></div>'; //Обрабатываем голосование if($res1['user_id'] == $user_id) { $_SESSION['error'] = '<div class="list1 red">' . $lng_news['my_vote'] . '!</div>'; } else { $plus = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_news_rating` WHERE `news`='$id' AND `user_id`='$user_id' LIMIT 1;"), 0); if($plus) { $_SESSION['error'] = '<div class="list1 red">' . $lng_news['already_voted'] . '!</div>'; } else { `news`='$id', `user_id`='$user_id', `golos`='1';"); $_SESSION['error'] = '<div class="list1 green">' . $lng_news['ok_vote'] . '!</div>'; } } exit; if($res1['user_id'] == $user_id) { $_SESSION['error'] = '<div class="list1 red">' . $lng_news['my_vote'] . '!</div>'; } else { $plus = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_news_rating` WHERE `news`='$id' AND `user_id`='$user_id' LIMIT 1;"), 0); if($plus) { $_SESSION['error'] = '<div class="list1 red">' . $lng_news['already_voted'] . '!</div>'; } else { `news`='$id', `user_id`='$user_id', `golos`='2';"); $_SESSION['error'] = '<div class="list1 green">' . $lng_news['ok_vote'] . '!</div>'; } } exit; } //Сообщение об оставленном голосе echo $_SESSION['error']; //Выводим автора новости $name_use = $user_id ? '<a href="../users/profile.php?user=' . $rowuse['id'] . '">' . $rowuse['name'] . '</a>' : $rowuse['name']; } else { $name_use = $lng['guest']; } // echo '<div class="list2"><span class="underline">' . $lng['rating'] . ':</span> ' . rating($id) . '<br /> '.($user_id ? '<form action="index.php?act=view&id=' . $id . '" method="post"><div> <input style="cursor:none; border: 0px; padding: 0;padding-top: 2px; margin: 0;" type="image" name="plus" value="15" src="../images/like_yes1.gif" alt="' . $lng_news['like'] . '"/><input class="rate" style="cursor:none; border: 0px; margin: 0; padding: 0;padding-top: 2px;" type="image" src="../images/like_no1.gif" name="minus" alt="-"/> </div></form>':'<img class="ico" src="../images/like_yes1.gif" alt="+" /><img class="ico" src="../images/like_no1.gif" alt="-" /><br />').' </div><div class="gmenu"> ' . $lng_news['posted'] . ': ' . $name_use . '<br /> ' . $lng_news['time_posted'] . ': ' . date('d.m.o / H:i', $res1['time'] + $sdvigclock * 3600) . '<br /> </div>'; include 'comments.php'; echo '' . ($rights >= 7 ? '<div class="menu"><div class="func"> <a href="../panel/index.php?act=news&mod=newsedit&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a><br /> <a href="../panel/index.php?act=news&mod=delnews&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a><br /> </div></div>':'') . ' <div class="bmenu"><a href="index.php?id=' . $res1['catid'] . '">' . htmlentities($res1['catname'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a></div>'; } else { $textl = $lng['news']; require_once('../incfiles/head.php'); echo functions::display_error($lng_news['news_does_not_exist']); } } else { $textl = $lng['news']; require_once('../incfiles/head.php'); echo functions::display_error($lng_news['news_is_not_chose']); }