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Yangilik katagoriyasidagi id 2 bo`limga shu kodni tug`rilab berilar iltimos. <?php ##BY Hujandiy FOR (UzFor.Net) 2016 (c) ## $status = $lol['status']; $ulimit = $lol['ulimit']; $amatn = $lol['amatn']; $bolim = $lol['cat']; $oncat = $lol['oncat']; $onid = $lol['onid']; $cuser = $lol['cuser']; $notfound = $lol['notfound']; if($status == 1) { echo '<div class="phdr"><b><span class="green">Bizning Kuboklar </span></b></div>'; if($oncat OR $onid == 2) { $news_connect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_news` WHERE `refid` = '2' AND `user_id` = '2' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 2"); } else { } $newsid = $here['id']; $ntitle = $here['name']; $getext = $here['text']; $time = $here['time']; $views = $here['views']; $comm = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(*) from `cms_news_comments` where `refid` = '".$row['id']."'"), 0); echo'<div class="menu"><b><span class="newsTime time bottom">'. date ('H:i', $here['time']+$sdvigclock*3600) .'</span></b><a href="news/index.php?act=view&id='.$newsid.'"> echo '<img style="float: left; margin: 5px 6px 2px 2px; border: 0px;" src="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/files/news/web_news_' . $row['id'] . '.png" width="120" height="100" alt="" />'; echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } } bu kodni esa yangilik katagoriyasidai id 3 bo`limga tug`rilashga yordam beringlar! <?php ##BY Hujandiy FOR (UzFor.Net) 2016 (c) ## $status = $lol['status']; $ulimit = $lol['ulimit']; $amatn = $lol['amatn']; $bolim = $lol['cat']; $oncat = $lol['oncat']; $onid = $lol['onid']; $cuser = $lol['cuser']; $notfound = $lol['notfound']; if($status == 1) { echo '<div class="phdr"><b>Bizning Chempionlar</b></div>'; if($oncat OR $onid == 2) { $news_connect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_news` WHERE `refid` = '$bolim' AND `user_id` = '$cuser' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $ulimit"); } else { } $newsid = $here['id']; $ntitle = $here['name']; $getext = $here['text']; $time = $here['time']; $views = $here['views']; echo'<div class="menu"><b><span class="newsTime time bottom">'. date ('H:i', $here['time']+$sdvigclock*3600) .'</span></b><a href="news/index.php?act=view&id='.$newsid.'"> echo '<img style="float: left; margin: 5px 6px 2px 2px; border: 0px;" src="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/files/news/web_news_' . $row['id'] . '.png" width="120" height="100" alt="" />'; echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } }