Yangi formatda davom etish uchun: https://uzfor.net/view.php?id=1784&page=2
Ingliz Tili
Mavzu fayllari (1)
STRaKER, Ive asked you because sometimes you have to things that you don't like beileve me!!! For example if you want to apply university most of them ask IELTS not all of them of course.
STRaKER, # STRaKER (12.02.2018 / 08:58)
Cyclone, nope, i don't wanna be taken those kind of sheets
what bout u?LOL You dont wanna take or be taken??)))
I have already got that piece of SHIT.
Cyclone, nope, i don't wanna be taken those kind of sheets
what bout u?LOL You dont wanna take or be taken??)))
I have already got that piece of SHIT.
Cyclone, i focus on the ability than just a piece of paper. You know some people obsessed with tests but their speaking is kinda so so
#29 you know what, when I was 16-17 I used to say I don't need that shit, it doesn't matter if you have or not, but sometimes that shit solve a lot of problems believe me!
John, I'm 20, but when I was 16-17 i used to say i need 8 ielts band, now i changed my mind
Kim yordam bera oladi, quyidagilarni o'z o'rinlariga qo'yish kerak:
1)Utkir Khoshimov / finishing / school / at the / Philology Faculty / secondary / studied / of the Tashkent State University.
2) In Tashkent / there / and school / streets / and Bukhara / named Fitrat / after
3. Celebrated / in 1996 / 110 the anniversary/ country / was / the / throughout / Fitrat'
4. Navoi / and / Fitrat was awarded / to / decree of the According / with / bonus / the / Mustaqillik orden / Republic of Uzbekistan of the Prezident
5. When / Fitrat's / languages / translated / works / highly / were / he / various / was alive / praised / and / into
6. Philosopher / has been / heritage / creative / and lawyers / Fitrat's / investigated / as / by / B.Ergashev / such / and D.Tashkuziev
7. People / was / "Cho'l havosi" / by the / recognized / warmly
8. Novelist / as a Gafur Gulam / skilled / was / famous
9. By his collection / and methods / developed / with new conceptions / Gafur Gulam / Uzbek poetry / "Tirik qo'shiqlar", / "Dinamo", / "Sharqdan kelayotirman", / "Sarhisob", / of poems.
10. Several creative schools / established / is outstanding / in Uzbek / figure / Erkin Vohidov / literature.
P.S.: + (ijobiy) va rahmat mendan
1)Utkir Khoshimov / finishing / school / at the / Philology Faculty / secondary / studied / of the Tashkent State University.
2) In Tashkent / there / and school / streets / and Bukhara / named Fitrat / after
3. Celebrated / in 1996 / 110 the anniversary/ country / was / the / throughout / Fitrat'
4. Navoi / and / Fitrat was awarded / to / decree of the According / with / bonus / the / Mustaqillik orden / Republic of Uzbekistan of the Prezident
5. When / Fitrat's / languages / translated / works / highly / were / he / various / was alive / praised / and / into
6. Philosopher / has been / heritage / creative / and lawyers / Fitrat's / investigated / as / by / B.Ergashev / such / and D.Tashkuziev
7. People / was / "Cho'l havosi" / by the / recognized / warmly
8. Novelist / as a Gafur Gulam / skilled / was / famous
9. By his collection / and methods / developed / with new conceptions / Gafur Gulam / Uzbek poetry / "Tirik qo'shiqlar", / "Dinamo", / "Sharqdan kelayotirman", / "Sarhisob", / of poems.
10. Several creative schools / established / is outstanding / in Uzbek / figure / Erkin Vohidov / literature.
P.S.: + (ijobiy) va rahmat mendan
1)After finishing secondary school, Utkir Hoshimov studied at the Philology Faculty of the Tashkent State University. (Bunda after degan so'z bo'lishi kerak menimcha, bo'lmasa ma'no chiqmaydi)
2)There are streets and schools named after Fitrat in Tashkent and Buhara. (Bunda ham there ni o'zi bo'lmaydi, there are bo'lishi kerak va school emas schools bo'ladi)
3)In 1996 Fitrat's 110 th anniversary was celebrated throughout the country.
4)Buni bilmadim, yoki bo'laklardagi so'zlarni o'rnini almashtirgansiz, yok qolib ketgan narsalar bor. Lekin bunday yozib ko'ramiz: According to the decree of the President of the Respublic of Uzbekistan, Fitrat was awarded with Navoi bonus and Mustaqillik orden.(Navoi bonus va Mustaqillik orden o'rni almashgan bo'lishi ham mumkin, chapdan o'nga yozdim)
5)Fitrat's works were highly praised and translated into various languages when he was alive.
6)Fitrat's creative heritage has been investigated by such philosophers and lawyers as B.Ergashev and D.Tashkuziev.
7)"Cho'l havosi" was recognized warmly by the people.
8)9-da "as a Gafur Gulam" deganlar qo'shilibmas ajratilinib yozilishi kerak edi, undan ma'no chiqmaydi, "as a" alohida, "Gafur Gulam" alohida bo'lishi shart. To'g'ri javob: Gafur Gulam was famous as a skilled novelist.
9)Gafur Gulam developed Uzbek poetry with new conceptions and methods by his collection of poems "Tirik qo'shiqlar", "Dinamo", "Sharqdan kelayotirman", "Sarhisob". (Asar nomlari o'rni almashganiga javob bermayman. Chapdan o'nga yozdim.)
10)Erkin Vohidov is outstanding figure in Uzbek literature, established several creative schools. (Bunda balki and qolib ketgandir, and bo'lsa vergulni o'rniga qo'yish kerak shunda to'g'riroq bo'larmidi balki.)
Yuqoridagilar to'g'riligiga kafolat bermayman. Lekin sizga bitta maslahat beraman. Bu yozganlarim sizga yordam emas, oyog'ingizdan tortadi. Maktabda yaxshi o'qib, ingliz tili o'rganganingizda birovdan so'rashga hojat qolmasdi. Buni endi borib boshqalarga tarqatasiz va ularga ham yomonlik qilasiz. Shaxsiy xabarda yozganingiz uchun javoblarni yozdim. Kelgusida ingliz tilini mukammal o'rganing, ko'zbo'yamachilik bilan umr o'tkazib bo'lmaydi buyog'iga.
1)After finishing secondary school, Utkir Hoshimov studied at the Philology Faculty of the Tashkent State University. (Bunda after degan so'z bo'lishi kerak menimcha, bo'lmasa ma'no chiqmaydi)
2)There are streets and schools named after Fitrat in Tashkent and Buhara. (Bunda ham there ni o'zi bo'lmaydi, there are bo'lishi kerak va school emas schools bo'ladi)
3)In 1996 Fitrat's 110 th anniversary was celebrated throughout the country.
4)Buni bilmadim, yoki bo'laklardagi so'zlarni o'rnini almashtirgansiz, yok qolib ketgan narsalar bor. Lekin bunday yozib ko'ramiz: According to the decree of the President of the Respublic of Uzbekistan, Fitrat was awarded with Navoi bonus and Mustaqillik orden.(Navoi bonus va Mustaqillik orden o'rni almashgan bo'lishi ham mumkin, chapdan o'nga yozdim)
5)Fitrat's works were highly praised and translated into various languages when he was alive.
6)Fitrat's creative heritage has been investigated by such philosophers and lawyers as B.Ergashev and D.Tashkuziev.
7)"Cho'l havosi" was recognized warmly by the people.
8)9-da "as a Gafur Gulam" deganlar qo'shilibmas ajratilinib yozilishi kerak edi, undan ma'no chiqmaydi, "as a" alohida, "Gafur Gulam" alohida bo'lishi shart. To'g'ri javob: Gafur Gulam was famous as a skilled novelist.
9)Gafur Gulam developed Uzbek poetry with new conceptions and methods by his collection of poems "Tirik qo'shiqlar", "Dinamo", "Sharqdan kelayotirman", "Sarhisob". (Asar nomlari o'rni almashganiga javob bermayman. Chapdan o'nga yozdim.)
10)Erkin Vohidov is outstanding figure in Uzbek literature, established several creative schools. (Bunda balki and qolib ketgandir, and bo'lsa vergulni o'rniga qo'yish kerak shunda to'g'riroq bo'larmidi balki.)
Yuqoridagilar to'g'riligiga kafolat bermayman. Lekin sizga bitta maslahat beraman. Bu yozganlarim sizga yordam emas, oyog'ingizdan tortadi. Maktabda yaxshi o'qib, ingliz tili o'rganganingizda birovdan so'rashga hojat qolmasdi. Buni endi borib boshqalarga tarqatasiz va ularga ham yomonlik qilasiz. Shaxsiy xabarda yozganingiz uchun javoblarni yozdim. Kelgusida ingliz tilini mukammal o'rganing, ko'zbo'yamachilik bilan umr o'tkazib bo'lmaydi buyog'iga.
+ (1): BestCracker,
Rahmat aytdi (1): BestCracker,
Rare, Ingliz alifbosidan
chunki yozilisi o'zbekcha bilan bir xil bo'lsa xam talaffuz qilinishi boshqa
Life is interesting!
chunki yozilisi o'zbekcha bilan bir xil bo'lsa xam talaffuz qilinishi boshqa
Life is interesting!
Ingliz tili gramatikasini bepul o'rganmoqchimisiz?
Unda kanalimizga obuna bo'ling!
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Iltimos oshiqcha off bo'lmasin.
Ingliz tili gramatikasini bepul o'rganmoqchimisiz?
Unda kanalimizga obuna bo'ling!
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Iltimos oshiqcha off bo'lmasin.
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- Hoziroq maydonlarni to'ldiring va reklamangizni joylashtiring!
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So'ngi faollik vaqti: 17:25:40, 3 Sep 2021