Yangi formatda davom etish uchun: https://uzfor.net/view.php?id=44030&page=2
DroidScript IDE
Mavzu fayllari (61)
DSni yuklab kordingizmi? (16)
Yoq, menga kerak emas. [5]Ha, lekin ozroq tushunmadim [11]
Hozirgina bu dasturni yangi funksiyasi haqida oylab qoldim.
Bu dasturda "Flood va Spam" dastur yaratish mumkin ekan
Bu dastur orqali login parol terib kirasiz va keyin "Chat yoki forumda biror mavzuga" cheklanmagan miqdorda xabar yuborasiz.
Warning! Dastur ishlashi uchun "Lodash, FTPclient va xml2js" plaginlari kerak boladi.
Only supported DS 1.72 Premium
Bu dasturda "Flood va Spam" dastur yaratish mumkin ekan
//Sample showing how to use Raw TCP comms. //This connects to one of Google's web servers and //ask for the default HTML page. //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { //Create main layout. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); //Set default message to send (HTTP Get command). var msg = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n"; //Create text edit (for outgoing message). edt = app.CreateTextEdit( msg, 0.9, 0.1 ); edt.SetBackColor( "#111111" ); lay.AddChild( edt ); var lst = app.CreateList(",,,, 124.345.77.40, 19.357.88.22, 95.115.356.7, 237.556.23.0,, 35.788.23.55"); edt1 = app.CreateTextEdit("",0.5,0.8); edt.hint("Profilga kirish manzili.Masalan, http://example.com/in.php edt1.settextsize(20); lay.Addchild(edt1) //Create text edit (for incomming message). txt = app.CreateTextEdit( "", 0.9, 0.5, "ReadOnly,NoKeyboard" ); txt.SetTextSize( 12 ); txt.SetMargins( 0, 0.02, 0, 0 ); txt.SetBackColor( "#111111" ); lay.AddChild( txt ); //Create 'Connect' button. btnConnect = app.CreateButton( "Connect", 0.4, -1 ); btnConnect.SetOnTouch( btnConnect_OnTouch ); btnConnect.SetMargins( 0, 0.02, 0, 0 ); lay.AddChild( btnConnect ); //Create 'Send' button. btnSend = app.CreateButton( "Send", 0.4, -1 ); btnSend.SetOnTouch( btnSend_OnTouch1 ); lay.AddChild( btnSend ); //Create 'Disconnect' button. btnDiscon = app.CreateButton( "Disconnect", 0.4, -1 ); btnDiscon.SetOnTouch( btnDiscon_OnTouch ); lay.AddChild( btnDiscon ); //Add layouts to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); //Create network object. net = app.CreateNetClient( "TCP,Raw" ); net.SetOnConnect( net_OnConnect ); } //Handle connect button. function btnConnect_OnTouch() { //Connect to server (use name or IP). net.Connect( "edt", 80 ); } //Called when we connect (or fail to connect). function net_OnConnect( connected ) { if( connected ) app.ShowPopup( "Connected!" ); else app.ShowPopup( "Failed to connect!" ); } //Handle Send button press. function btnSend_OnTouch1() { //Check connection. if( !net.IsConnected() ) { app.ShowPopup( "Please connect" ); return; } //Send message in UTF-8 text format. //modes: "US-ASCII", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16", "UTF-8" net.SendText( edt.GetText() + "\r\n", "UTF-8" ); //Read response. //(Large responses may need multiple reads) var msg = net.ReceiveText( "UTF-8" ); if( msg ) txt.SetText( msg ); } //Alternative hex version. function btnSend_OnTouch2() { //Send Http GET request as a hex list. //(This mode is useful for editing hex values in an Edit control). var bytes = "47,45,54,20,2F,20,48,54,54,50,2F,31,2E,31,0D,0A,0D,0A"; net.SendBytes( bytes, "Hex" ); //Read response as hex list. var msg = net.ReceiveBytes( "Hex" ); if( msg ) txt.SetText( msg ); } //Alternative integer version. function btnSend_OnTouch3() { //Send Http GET request using integer array. var bytes = [0x47,0x45,0x54,0x20,0x2F,0x20,0x48,0x54,0x54,0x50, 0x2F,0x31,0x2E,0x31,0x0D,0x0A,0x0D,0x0A]; net.SendBytes( bytes, "Int" ); //Read response to an array. var msg = net.ReceiveBytes( "Int" ); if( msg ) txt.SetText( msg ); //Get first byte. var first = msg[0]; app.ShowPopup( "first byte = " + first ); } //Handle disconnect button. function btnDiscon_OnTouch() { //Disconnect from server. net.Disconnect(); if( !net.IsConnected() ) app.ShowPopup( "Disconnected" ); }
Bu dastur orqali login parol terib kirasiz va keyin "Chat yoki forumda biror mavzuga" cheklanmagan miqdorda xabar yuborasiz.
Warning! Dastur ishlashi uchun "Lodash, FTPclient va xml2js" plaginlari kerak boladi.
Only supported DS 1.72 Premium
DS 1.56 mod+4plugins
Bu modni tayyorlagani uchun Smartvk702(4pda) ga katta rahmat.Dasturni o'rnatgach apk builder va yana bir necha plaginlarni yuklashni hojati yoq.Chunki dasturni o'zida joylashtirilgan.
Dasturni yuklash: http://4pda.ru/forum/dl/post/15334897/DroidScript [1.56].apk
Warning! Dasturni yuklab olish uchun 4pda saytida regdan otish talab etiladi!
Bu modni tayyorlagani uchun Smartvk702(4pda) ga katta rahmat.Dasturni o'rnatgach apk builder va yana bir necha plaginlarni yuklashni hojati yoq.Chunki dasturni o'zida joylashtirilgan.
Dasturni yuklash: http://4pda.ru/forum/dl/post/15334897/DroidScript [1.56].apk
Warning! Dasturni yuklab olish uchun 4pda saytida regdan otish talab etiladi!
Mana tez kunlarda DroidScript haqida batafsil ma'lumit va qo'llanma tayyor bo'ladi, uni dastur ko'rinishida shu mavzuga yuklayman yoki yuklash uchun link taqdim etaman.
Dastur o'z ichiga:
File operation
Sound & Videos
kabi buyruq va metodlar bo'yicha qo'llanmani tashkil qiladi.
Qisqasi bu dastur orqali tushunmagan narsalaringizni tushunib olasiz.
Diqqat! Dastur Rus tilida
Hazil dasturni O'zbek tilida qilyapman.
12 kun 18 soat 20 daqiqa 48 soniyadan keyin yozdi:
Smartfonni silkitish paytida scrinshot olish
*- No root
*- smartfonni silkitish orqali scrinshoot oliasiz, root kerak emas.
Dastur o'z ichiga:
File operation
Sound & Videos
kabi buyruq va metodlar bo'yicha qo'llanmani tashkil qiladi.
Qisqasi bu dastur orqali tushunmagan narsalaringizni tushunib olasiz.
Diqqat! Dastur Rus tilida
Hazil dasturni O'zbek tilida qilyapman.
12 kun 18 soat 20 daqiqa 48 soniyadan keyin yozdi:
Smartfonni silkitish paytida scrinshot olish
*- No root
var lastx,lasty,lastz,lastms function OnStart(){ var lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); var txt = app.CreateText( "Shake test" ); lay.AddChild( txt ); app.AddLayout( lay ); var sns = app.CreateSensor("Accelerometer" ); sns.SetOnChange( sns_OnChange ); sns.Start(); } function sns_OnChange( x, y, z, time ){ try { var diffms,speed; if(lastx!==undefined) { diffms=time-lastms; speed = Math.abs(x y z-lastx-lasty-lastz) / diffms * 10000; if(speed>800) OnShake(speed/800); } lastx=x; lasty=y; lastz=z; lastms=time; } catch(e) {} } function OnShake(speed){ var msg = "Shake\n" speed.toFixed(2); app.ScreenShot("mnt/sdcard/test.png",90); app.ShowPopup(msg,"Short"); }
*- smartfonni silkitish orqali scrinshoot oliasiz, root kerak emas.
+ (2): Hanov_Dayko, mr_nokia02,
Splash screen
*- bu orqali o'z dasturlaringizga splash screen qo'yishingiz mumkin.
function OnReady() { //appname- dasturingiz nomi. var appname = "Mening dasturim" //kutish progressini yashirish. app.HideProgress(); // Splash screen uchun layout yaratish. laySplash = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); //layout orqasini qora rang qilish laySplash.SetBackColor( "yellow" ); //splash screenda iconkali rasm chiqarish var imgPath = "Img/Splash.png"; var img = app.CreateImage( imgPath, 0.5 ); laySplash.AddChild( img ); //splash screenda splash rasmidan keyin dastur nomini chiqarish. var txt = app.CreateText( appname ); txt.SetBackColor("black"); txt.SetTextColor("white"); txt.SetTextSize( 24 ); txt.SetPadding(0.05, 0.02, 0.05, 0.02) txt.SetMargins(0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1); laySplash.AddChild( txt ); //dastur nomidan keyin, slogan qoshish. var txt2 = app.CreateText( "Hush kelibsiz Example dasturiga!",0.8,-1,"multiLine" ); txt2.SetTextSize( 20 ); txt2.SetBackColor( "red" ); txt2.SetTextColor( "white" ); txt2.SetPadding( 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03 ); laySplash.AddChild( txt2 ); //lay layoutni dasturga qoshish. app.AddLayout( laySplash ); //splash screenni avto ochirish/avto bekor qilish. var delay = 5000 //bu yerda delay=millisekundlar. setTimeout(function(){laySplash.Animate("FadeOut",null,1000)},delay) }
*- bu orqali o'z dasturlaringizga splash screen qo'yishingiz mumkin.
uDesign, # uDesign (09.03.2019 / 14:46)
MasterOS, Shu dasturda tuzilgan u bu .apk ga link bera olasizmi?Yuqorida borku ana, o'zim tuzganlarim Koring ana.
MasterOS, Shu dasturda tuzilgan u bu .apk ga link bera olasizmi?Yuqorida borku ana, o'zim tuzganlarim Koring ana.
dayko, # dayko (09.03.2019 / 15:17)
MasterOS, view.php?act=post&id=49312 shu postdagi fallarizni yuklab bolmayapdi.Mana: http://androidscript.org/apk/DroidScript_171/
*-[United Kingdom]
MasterOS, view.php?act=post&id=49312 shu postdagi fallarizni yuklab bolmayapdi.Mana: http://androidscript.org/apk/DroidScript_171/
*-[United Kingdom]
+ (1): uDesign,
efede3, # efede3 (09.03.2019 / 20:47)
CryptedSM, kimga 171 versiyasini crack versiyasi kerak bo'lsa ayting crack qilganman )Shu yerga link berib keting, forumda qiziquvchilarga yordami tegadi
*- crack uchun alohida rahmat.
CryptedSM, kimga 171 versiyasini crack versiyasi kerak bo'lsa ayting crack qilganman )Shu yerga link berib keting, forumda qiziquvchilarga yordami tegadi
*- crack uchun alohida rahmat.
efede3, # efede3 (09.03.2019 / 20:59)
DroidScript_172x crackUzmasters yoki spaces yki obmennik saytga yuklab link bering
Error 404 chiqyapti bu yerda.
DroidScript_172x crackUzmasters yoki spaces yki obmennik saytga yuklab link bering
Error 404 chiqyapti bu yerda.
+ (1): Fokuschi,
dayko, # dayko (09.03.2019 / 21:02)
CryptedSM, crack nima u ?Pullik yoki litsenziya sorovchi dasturni kod yoki boshqa ilova yordamida buzish.
CryptedSM, crack nima u ?Pullik yoki litsenziya sorovchi dasturni kod yoki boshqa ilova yordamida buzish.
+ (1): Hanov_Dayko,
efede3, # efede3 (09.03.2019 / 21:09)
CryptedSM, endi yuklab kurinchi?Ha endi yuklayapti.Ulashganingiz uchun rahmat
CryptedSM, endi yuklab kurinchi?Ha endi yuklayapti.Ulashganingiz uchun rahmat
CryptedSM, js bo'lgani uchun crack muammo emas ekanu lekin eski versiyadagi project bunda ishlashi uchun kodni o'zgartirish kerak ekan faqatginaa )
CryptedSM, Salom, qaleysiz. Tarjima nima boʻldi.
Tavsiya etamiz:
- Hoziroq maydonlarni to'ldiring va reklamangizni joylashtiring!
Mavzuga oid xabarlar soni: 109 ta
So'ngi faollik vaqti: 21:58:50, 8 Apr 2020
Mavzu moderatori: Snowden