Yangi formatda davom etish uchun: https://uzfor.net/view.php?id=736&page=116
Johncms bo'yicha umumiy savollar
Mavzu fayllari (121)
MαҺmud Mεdια, # MαҺmud Mεdια (06.12.2019 / 15:34)
Library dagi maqolalarga fikr bildirish kodi kimda bor, tashlanglar.Zakovat bazasini koring owa yerda bor hammas
Library dagi maqolalarga fikr bildirish kodi kimda bor, tashlanglar.Zakovat bazasini koring owa yerda bor hammas
+ (1): sobirjonovv,
Salom forumdoshlar. Menda johncms da muammo bo'lyapti. Mehmonxonada habar qoldirib bo'lmayapti. Oshibka nevernie dannie degan yozuv chiqib qolyapti. Faqat mehmonxonada shu muammo qolgan bo'limlar ishlayapti (registratsiya va boshqalar). Shu nimadan bo'lishi mumkin???
Foziljon, # Foziljon (06.12.2019 / 18:04)
Apalon4ik, Hammasi to'g'ri o'zidan o'zi shunaqa bo'lib qoldiZapret qb qoygandursizda. Qaysi sayt
Apalon4ik, Hammasi to'g'ri o'zidan o'zi shunaqa bo'lib qoldiZapret qb qoygandursizda. Qaysi sayt
- (1): ŝჩσჩĵฉჩσฑ,
Foziljon, # Foziljon (06.12.2019 / 17:19)
Salom forumdoshlar. Menda johncms da muammo bo'lyapti. Mehmonxonada habar qoldirib bo'lmayapti. Oshibka nevernie dannie degan yozuv chiqib qolyapti. Faqat mehmonxonada shu muammo qolgan bo'limlar ishlJohn off versiyadagi /guestbook ni o'rnatib oling.
Salom forumdoshlar. Menda johncms da muammo bo'lyapti. Mehmonxonada habar qoldirib bo'lmayapti. Oshibka nevernie dannie degan yozuv chiqib qolyapti. Faqat mehmonxonada shu muammo qolgan bo'limlar ishlJohn off versiyadagi /guestbook ni o'rnatib oling.
Librarydagi maqolalarni bosh sahifaga rasmi bilan chiqaradigan kod kimda bor? Xuddi xikoyalar.ru dak.
MαҺmud Mεdια, # MαҺmud Mεdια (06.12.2019 / 18:52)
Librarydagi maqolalarni bosh sahifaga rasmi bilan chiqaradigan kod kimda bor? Xuddi xikoyalar.ru dak.Akbaralini scriptida bor edi
Librarydagi maqolalarni bosh sahifaga rasmi bilan chiqaradigan kod kimda bor? Xuddi xikoyalar.ru dak.Akbaralini scriptida bor edi
Apalon4ik, # Apalon4ik (06.12.2019 / 19:16)
MαҺmud Mεdια, Akbaralini scriptida bor ediO'sha kodni oberolasmi?
MαҺmud Mεdια, Akbaralini scriptida bor ediO'sha kodni oberolasmi?
echo '<div class="logo" style="padding:8px;"><center><a href="/"><img src="/best_logo_png.jpg" alt="FMenejer.Ru" width="180" height="40"/></a></center></div>';
Apalon4ik, <?php
* @package JohnCMS
* @link http://johncms.com
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community
* @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
* @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
* @author http://johncms.com/about
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
$headmod = isset($headmod) ? mysql_real_escape_string($headmod) : '';
$textl = isset($textl) ? $textl : $set['copyright'];
echo'<!DOCTYPE html>' .
"\n" . '<html lang="' . core::$lng_iso . '">' .
"\n" . '<head>' .
"\n" . '<meta charset="utf-8">' .
"\n" . '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0, user-scalable=yes">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="width">' .
"\n" . '<meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="Generator" content="JohnCMS, http://johncms.com .
(!empty($set['meta_key']) ? "\n" . '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $set['meta_key'] . '">' : '') .
(!empty($set['meta_desc']) ? "\n" . '<meta name="description" content="' . $set['meta_desc'] . '">' : '') .
"\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/theme/' . $set_user['skin'] . '/style.css">' .
"\n" . '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/favicon.ico">' .
"\n" . '<title>' . $textl . '</title>' .
"\n" . '</head><body>' . core::display_core_errors();
Рекламный модуль
$cms_ads = array();
if (!isset($_GET['err']) && $act != '404' && $headmod != 'admin') {
$view = $user_id ? 2 : 1;
$layout = ($headmod == 'mainpage' && !$act) ? 1 : 2;
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_ads` WHERE `to` = '0' AND (`layout` = '$layout' or `layout` = '0') AND (`view` = '$view' or `view` = '0') ORDER BY `mesto` ASC");
if (mysql_num_rows($req)) {
while (($res = mysql_fetch_assoc($req)) !== FALSE) {
$name = explode("|", $res['name']);
$name = htmlentities($name[mt_rand(0, (count($name) - 1))], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if (!empty($res['color'])) $name = '<span style="color:#' . $res['color'] . '">' . $name . '</span>';
// Если было задано начертание шрифта, то применяем
$font = $res['bold'] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : FALSE;
$font .= $res['italic'] ? ' font-style:italic;' : FALSE;
$font .= $res['underline'] ? ' text-decoration:underline;' : FALSE;
if ($font) $name = '<span style="' . $font . '">' . $name . '</span>';
@$cms_ads[$res['type']] .= '<a href="' . ($res['show'] ? functions::checkout($res['link']) : $set['homeurl'] . '/go.php?id=' . $res['id']) . '">' . $name . '</a><br/>';
if (($res['day'] != 0 && time() >= ($res['time'] + $res['day'] * 3600 * 24)) || ($res['count_link'] != 0 && $res['count'] >= $res['count_link']))
mysql_query("UPDATE `cms_ads` SET `to` = '1' WHERE `id` = '" . $res['id'] . "'");
Рекламный блок сайта
if (isset($cms_ads[0])) echo $cms_ads[0];
echo'<div class="logo" style="padding:8px;"><center><a href="/"><img src="/best_logo_png" alt="FMenejer.Ru" width="180" height="40"/></a></center></div>';
Выводим логотип и переключатель языков
echo '<table style="width: 100%;" class="header" ><tr>' .
'<td valign="bottom"><a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '"><center><img src="/images/iimage.png" width=280 height=70/></center></a></td>' .
($headmod == 'mainpage' && count(core::$lng_list) > 1 ? '<td align="right"><a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/go.php?lng"><b>' . strtoupper(core::$lng_iso) . '</b></a> <img src="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/images/flags/' . core::$lng_iso . '.gif" alt=""/> </td>' : '') .
Выводим верхний блок с приветствием
*/$month=date("m", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
$year=date("y", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
$day=date("d", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
$sec=date("s", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
echo '<div class="phdr">';
$soat=date("H",time() + $set['timeshift'] * 3600);
$l1="Hayrli kun, ";
$l2="Hayrli kech, ";
$l3="Hayrli tun, ";
$l4="Hayrli tong, ";
echo '<img src="../img/calendar.jpg" weidth=17 height=17/> ';
//Olib chiqish
if($soat==0){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==1){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==2){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==3){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==4){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==5){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==6){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==7){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==8){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==9){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==10){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==11){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==12){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==13){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==14){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==15){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==16){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==17){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==18){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==19){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==20){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==21){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==22){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==23){echo "$l2";}
echo '<b> ' . ($user_id ? '' . $login . '!' : $lng['guest'] . '!') . '</b><br/><span class="fr"><img src="../img/soat.jpg" weidth=17 height=17/> <b>'.$day.'-'.$array_month[$month].'</b> <b>' . date("H:i", time() + $set['timeshift'] * 3600) . ':'.$sec.'</b></span></div>';
Главное меню пользователя
if (!$user_id) { echo '<div class=""><table style="background: #3a3a4e;" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 1%;"><a class="head_panel" href="/login.php">Kirish</a> </td><td style="width: 1%;"><a class="head_panel" href=" /registration.php">A`zo bo`lish</a> </td></center> </tr></tbody> </table>';
echo "<div class='tmn' align='center'><b><a href='".$set['homeurl'] . "/users/profile.php'><font color=red>".$lng['profile']."</font></a> | ";
echo "<a href='".$set['homeurl'] . "/users/profile.php?act=office'><font color=green>Shaxsiy</font></a> | <a href='".$set['homeurl']."/man'><font color=blue>FM 2019</font></a></b></center></div>";
echo '<div class="maintxt">';
Рекламный блок сайта
if (!empty($cms_ads[1])) echo '<div class="menu">' . $cms_ads[1] . '</div>';
Фиксация местоположений посетителей
$sql = '';
$set_karma = unserialize($set['karma']);
if ($user_id) {
// Фиксируем местоположение авторизованных
if (!$datauser['karma_off'] && $set_karma['on'] && $datauser['karma_time'] <= (time() - 86400)) {
$sql .= " `karma_time` = '" . time() . "', ";
$movings = $datauser['movings'];
if ($datauser['lastdate'] < (time() - 300)) {
$movings = 0;
$sql .= " `sestime` = '" . time() . "', ";
if ($datauser['place'] != $headmod) {
$sql .= " `place` = '" . mysql_
50 soniyadan keyin yozdi:
qayerida hato bor
* @package JohnCMS
* @link http://johncms.com
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community
* @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
* @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
* @author http://johncms.com/about
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
$headmod = isset($headmod) ? mysql_real_escape_string($headmod) : '';
$textl = isset($textl) ? $textl : $set['copyright'];
echo'<!DOCTYPE html>' .
"\n" . '<html lang="' . core::$lng_iso . '">' .
"\n" . '<head>' .
"\n" . '<meta charset="utf-8">' .
"\n" . '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0, user-scalable=yes">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="width">' .
"\n" . '<meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable">' .
"\n" . '<meta name="Generator" content="JohnCMS, http://johncms.com .
(!empty($set['meta_key']) ? "\n" . '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $set['meta_key'] . '">' : '') .
(!empty($set['meta_desc']) ? "\n" . '<meta name="description" content="' . $set['meta_desc'] . '">' : '') .
"\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/theme/' . $set_user['skin'] . '/style.css">' .
"\n" . '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/favicon.ico">' .
"\n" . '<title>' . $textl . '</title>' .
"\n" . '</head><body>' . core::display_core_errors();
Рекламный модуль
$cms_ads = array();
if (!isset($_GET['err']) && $act != '404' && $headmod != 'admin') {
$view = $user_id ? 2 : 1;
$layout = ($headmod == 'mainpage' && !$act) ? 1 : 2;
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_ads` WHERE `to` = '0' AND (`layout` = '$layout' or `layout` = '0') AND (`view` = '$view' or `view` = '0') ORDER BY `mesto` ASC");
if (mysql_num_rows($req)) {
while (($res = mysql_fetch_assoc($req)) !== FALSE) {
$name = explode("|", $res['name']);
$name = htmlentities($name[mt_rand(0, (count($name) - 1))], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if (!empty($res['color'])) $name = '<span style="color:#' . $res['color'] . '">' . $name . '</span>';
// Если было задано начертание шрифта, то применяем
$font = $res['bold'] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : FALSE;
$font .= $res['italic'] ? ' font-style:italic;' : FALSE;
$font .= $res['underline'] ? ' text-decoration:underline;' : FALSE;
if ($font) $name = '<span style="' . $font . '">' . $name . '</span>';
@$cms_ads[$res['type']] .= '<a href="' . ($res['show'] ? functions::checkout($res['link']) : $set['homeurl'] . '/go.php?id=' . $res['id']) . '">' . $name . '</a><br/>';
if (($res['day'] != 0 && time() >= ($res['time'] + $res['day'] * 3600 * 24)) || ($res['count_link'] != 0 && $res['count'] >= $res['count_link']))
mysql_query("UPDATE `cms_ads` SET `to` = '1' WHERE `id` = '" . $res['id'] . "'");
Рекламный блок сайта
if (isset($cms_ads[0])) echo $cms_ads[0];
echo'<div class="logo" style="padding:8px;"><center><a href="/"><img src="/best_logo_png" alt="FMenejer.Ru" width="180" height="40"/></a></center></div>';
Выводим логотип и переключатель языков
echo '<table style="width: 100%;" class="header" ><tr>' .
'<td valign="bottom"><a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '"><center><img src="/images/iimage.png" width=280 height=70/></center></a></td>' .
($headmod == 'mainpage' && count(core::$lng_list) > 1 ? '<td align="right"><a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/go.php?lng"><b>' . strtoupper(core::$lng_iso) . '</b></a> <img src="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/images/flags/' . core::$lng_iso . '.gif" alt=""/> </td>' : '') .
Выводим верхний блок с приветствием
*/$month=date("m", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
$year=date("y", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
$day=date("d", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
$sec=date("s", time() + (core::$system_set['timeshift'] + core::$user_set['timeshift']) * 3600);
echo '<div class="phdr">';
$soat=date("H",time() + $set['timeshift'] * 3600);
$l1="Hayrli kun, ";
$l2="Hayrli kech, ";
$l3="Hayrli tun, ";
$l4="Hayrli tong, ";
echo '<img src="../img/calendar.jpg" weidth=17 height=17/> ';
//Olib chiqish
if($soat==0){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==1){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==2){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==3){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==4){echo "$l3";}
if($soat==5){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==6){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==7){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==8){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==9){echo "$l4";}
if($soat==10){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==11){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==12){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==13){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==14){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==15){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==16){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==17){echo "$l1";}
if($soat==18){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==19){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==20){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==21){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==22){echo "$l2";}
if($soat==23){echo "$l2";}
echo '<b> ' . ($user_id ? '' . $login . '!' : $lng['guest'] . '!') . '</b><br/><span class="fr"><img src="../img/soat.jpg" weidth=17 height=17/> <b>'.$day.'-'.$array_month[$month].'</b> <b>' . date("H:i", time() + $set['timeshift'] * 3600) . ':'.$sec.'</b></span></div>';
Главное меню пользователя
if (!$user_id) { echo '<div class=""><table style="background: #3a3a4e;" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 1%;"><a class="head_panel" href="/login.php">Kirish</a> </td><td style="width: 1%;"><a class="head_panel" href=" /registration.php">A`zo bo`lish</a> </td></center> </tr></tbody> </table>';
echo "<div class='tmn' align='center'><b><a href='".$set['homeurl'] . "/users/profile.php'><font color=red>".$lng['profile']."</font></a> | ";
echo "<a href='".$set['homeurl'] . "/users/profile.php?act=office'><font color=green>Shaxsiy</font></a> | <a href='".$set['homeurl']."/man'><font color=blue>FM 2019</font></a></b></center></div>";
echo '<div class="maintxt">';
Рекламный блок сайта
if (!empty($cms_ads[1])) echo '<div class="menu">' . $cms_ads[1] . '</div>';
Фиксация местоположений посетителей
$sql = '';
$set_karma = unserialize($set['karma']);
if ($user_id) {
// Фиксируем местоположение авторизованных
if (!$datauser['karma_off'] && $set_karma['on'] && $datauser['karma_time'] <= (time() - 86400)) {
$sql .= " `karma_time` = '" . time() . "', ";
$movings = $datauser['movings'];
if ($datauser['lastdate'] < (time() - 300)) {
$movings = 0;
$sql .= " `sestime` = '" . time() . "', ";
if ($datauser['place'] != $headmod) {
$sql .= " `place` = '" . mysql_
50 soniyadan keyin yozdi:
qayerida hato bor
/* ... */ bu degani keraksiz kodlar dgani.
/* buni ichiga yozilgan narsa ishlamidi. Faqat izoh yoziladi */
siz logoni kodlarini shuni ichiga yozgansiz. Ikki chekkadgi /* */ larni o'chiring ishlaydi.
/* buni ichiga yozilgan narsa ishlamidi. Faqat izoh yoziladi */
siz logoni kodlarini shuni ichiga yozgansiz. Ikki chekkadgi /* */ larni o'chiring ishlaydi.
Foziljon, # Foziljon (06.12.2019 / 17:19)
Salom forumdoshlar. Menda johncms da muammo bo'lyapti. Mehmonxonada habar qoldirib bo'lmayapti. Oshibka nevernie dannie degan yozuv chiqib qolyapti. Faqat mehmonxonada shu muammo qolgan bo'limlar ishlAdmin panel >> Kurish xuquqlari bolimidan mex ni ochib qoying
Salom forumdoshlar. Menda johncms da muammo bo'lyapti. Mehmonxonada habar qoldirib bo'lmayapti. Oshibka nevernie dannie degan yozuv chiqib qolyapti. Faqat mehmonxonada shu muammo qolgan bo'limlar ishlAdmin panel >> Kurish xuquqlari bolimidan mex ni ochib qoying
Salom yordam kerak johncms 6.2
2 da yangi papka ochib bolmayapti yani biror video yuklash uchun downloadga chiqmayapti ochildi deyaptiyu chiqmayapti kimdur bilsa aytvoringlar nimadan bolishi mumkin
2 da yangi papka ochib bolmayapti yani biror video yuklash uchun downloadga chiqmayapti ochildi deyaptiyu chiqmayapti kimdur bilsa aytvoringlar nimadan bolishi mumkin
6750, # 6750 (10.12.2019 / 18:24)
Salom yordam kerak johncms 6.2
2 da yangi papka ochib bolmayapti yani biror video yuklash uchun downloadga chiqmayapti ochildi deyaptiyu chiqmayapti kimdur bilsa aytvoringlar nimadan bolishi mumkinSaytingiznomi.uz/download/install.php
Salom yordam kerak johncms 6.2
2 da yangi papka ochib bolmayapti yani biror video yuklash uchun downloadga chiqmayapti ochildi deyaptiyu chiqmayapti kimdur bilsa aytvoringlar nimadan bolishi mumkinSaytingiznomi.uz/download/install.php
6750, # 6750 (10.12.2019 / 18:42)
Apalon4ik, Downloadda xam install bo'ladimiBo'ladi
Apalon4ik, Downloadda xam install bo'ladimiBo'ladi
6750, # 6750 (10.12.2019 / 18:53)
MαҺmud Mεdια, Qayerdan topsa boladi johncms 6.2.2 gaJohncms ni off skriptida bo'lishi kerak, yana bilmadim. Johncms.com saytida downloadda 6.2.2 skripti bor.
MαҺmud Mεdια, Qayerdan topsa boladi johncms 6.2.2 gaJohncms ni off skriptida bo'lishi kerak, yana bilmadim. Johncms.com saytida downloadda 6.2.2 skripti bor.
Tavsiya etamiz:
- Hoziroq maydonlarni to'ldiring va reklamangizni joylashtiring!
Mavzuga oid xabarlar soni: 3101 ta
So'ngi faollik vaqti: 15:21:31, 19 Apr 2022