Yangi formatda davom etish uchun: https://uzfor.net/view.php?id=90&page=24
JohnCMS da bosh sahifaga chiqarish
Mavzu fayllari (15)
Besthakker, # Besthakker (27.03.2020 / 20:39)
developer, <fon> </fon> shunaqa qlishim kerakmisaytizga link qo'yingchi nimasi ishlamayapti?
developer, <fon> </fon> shunaqa qlishim kerakmisaytizga link qo'yingchi nimasi ishlamayapti?
developer, # developer (27.03.2020 / 20:42)
Besthakker, saytizga link qo'yingchi nimasi ishlamayapti?Xikoya.zadc.ru test dep turipdi
Besthakker, saytizga link qo'yingchi nimasi ishlamayapti?Xikoya.zadc.ru test dep turipdi
view.php?act=post&id=81618 manashu newsni kategoriyalarini bosh sahifaga chiqaradigan kod kimda bor? Sql=news_bolim
Shu kodda qanaqa xato bor?
<?php echo'<div class="phdr"><b>So`nggi yangiliklar</b></div>'; if ($total) { $nechta = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `news` WHERE `mod` = '1' AND `bolim`= '".$row['id']."';"), 0); $new = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `news` WHERE `mod` = '1' AND `bolim` = '".$row['id']."' AND `time` > '".(time() - (86400))."';"), 0); echo '<a href="'.$home.'/news.php?act=boliminfo&id='.$row['id'].'"> <div class="menu"> <img src="'.$home.'/images/green.png" style="margin-bottom: -3px;" width="10"> <span style="font-size: x-small; color: #555; float: right;" class="soni"> '.$nechta . ($new > 0 ? '/<font color="red">+'.$new.'</font>' : '').' </span> '.$row['nomi'].' </div> </a>'; } if ($total > $kmess) { echo '<div class="menu"> <center> <span class="gray"> ...::: </span> '.functions::display_pagination('news.php?', $start, $total, $kmess).' <span class="gray"> :::... </span> </center> </div>'; } } else { echo '<div class="menu"> <p> <center> Hozirda bironta ham yangilik yo\'q! </center> </p> </div>'; } if ($rights > 8) { echo '<div class="menu"> <p> <a href="'.$home.'/news.php?act=bolim" class="qopqora"> Bo\'lim ochish </a> </p> </div>'; } echo '</div>'; } ?>
Temur, # Temur (28.03.2020 / 01:48)
Shu kodda qanaqa xato bor?
echo'<div class="phdr"><b>So`nggi yangiliklar</b></div>';
if ($total) {
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news_bolim` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT ".$start.", ".$k2 ta kodni 1 ta qib tashaganmisiz
Shu kodda qanaqa xato bor?
echo'<div class="phdr"><b>So`nggi yangiliklar</b></div>';
if ($total) {
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news_bolim` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT ".$start.", ".$k2 ta kodni 1 ta qib tashaganmisiz
Besthakker, # Besthakker (28.03.2020 / 03:46)
Temur, 2 ta kodni 1 ta qib tashaganmisizMiya achib ketdi
Temur, 2 ta kodni 1 ta qib tashaganmisizMiya achib ketdi
Temur, # Temur (28.03.2020 / 04:52)
Besthakker, Miya achib ketdiBuni sinab koringche
Besthakker, Miya achib ketdiBuni sinab koringche
<?php echo'<div class="phdr"><b>So`nggi yangiliklar</b></div>'; if ($total) { $nechta = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `news` WHERE `mod` = '1' AND `bolim`= '".$row['id']."';"), 0); $new = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `news` WHERE `mod` = '1' AND `bolim` = '".$row['id']."' AND `time` > '".(time() - (86400))."';"), 0); echo '<a href="'.$home.'/news.php?act=boliminfo&id='.$row['id'].'"> <div class="menu"> <img src="'.$home.'/images/green.png" style="margin-bottom: -3px;" width="10"> <span style="font-size: x-small; color: #555; float: right;" class="soni"> '.$nechta . ($new > 0 ? '/<font color="red">+'.$new.'</font>' : '').' </span> '.$row['nomi'].' </div> </a>'; } if ($total > $kmess) { echo '<div class="menu"> <center> <span class="gray"> ...::: </span> '.functions::display_pagination('news.php?', $start, $total, $kmess).' <span class="gray"> :::... </span> </center> </div>';
Besthakker, # Besthakker (28.03.2020 / 06:59)
Temur, Buni sinab koringche
echo'<div class="phdr"><b>So`nggi yangiliklar</b></div>';
if ($total) {
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news_bolim` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT ".$starIshlamadi
Temur, Buni sinab koringche
echo'<div class="phdr"><b>So`nggi yangiliklar</b></div>';
if ($total) {
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news_bolim` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT ".$starIshlamadi
Temur, # Temur (28.03.2020 / 08:49)
Besthakker, IshlamadiKrite news ôrnating
Besthakker, IshlamadiKrite news ôrnating
Bo'ldi, nihoyat amalladim. Kimgadur kere bosa foydalanishilar mumkin:
Biriktirilgan fayllar [1]:
— news_papkalari_bosh_sahifa_by_ti.zip (0.92 KB) (94 ↴)
— news_papkalari_bosh_sahifa_by_ti.zip (0.92 KB) (94 ↴)
johncms 6.2.0 versiyaga downloaddagi papkalarni va songgi 10ta faylni chikaradigan kodni aytvoring.yuqoridagilar ishlamadi menda.
developer, # developer (06.04.2020 / 21:12)
SELECT * FROM `library_texts` WHERE `cat_id` = '".$kategorya_idsi."'Shuni kodga moslab bera olasizmi
SELECT * FROM `library_texts` WHERE `cat_id` = '".$kategorya_idsi."'Shuni kodga moslab bera olasizmi
Besthakker, # Besthakker (06.04.2020 / 21:22)
developer, Shuni kodga moslab bera olasizmiha kodni yozing shetga moslab beraman
developer, Shuni kodga moslab bera olasizmiha kodni yozing shetga moslab beraman
developer, # developer (06.04.2020 / 21:28)
Besthakker, ha kodni yozing shetga moslab beraman
Besthakker, ha kodni yozing shetga moslab beraman
<?php echo '<div class="phdr"><b>tezkor xabarlar</b></div>'; $kmess = '7'; $total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_texts` WHERE `time` AND `premod`=1"), 0); $start = $page == 1 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $kmess; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `time`, `uploader`, `uploader_id`, `count_views`, `comments`, `count_comments`, `cat_id`, `announce` FROM `library_texts` WHERE `premod`=1 ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $kmess); $nav = ($total > $kmess) ? '<div class="menu"><center>' . functions::display_pagination('?act=new&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</center></div>' : ''; if ($total) { $i = 0; $comm = mysql_result( mysql_query("select count(*) from `cms_library_comments` where `refid` = '".$lib['id']."'"),0); echo '<div class="menu"><a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/library/index.php?id=' . $lib['id'] . '"><b>' . $lib['name'] . '</b></a> ['. functions::display_date($lib['time']) . ']<br>'.mb_substr($lib['announce'],0,100).'...<br>'; $catalog = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `library_cats` WHERE `id` = " . $lib['cat_id'] . " LIMIT 1")); echo '[<a href="/library/index.php?do=dir&id=' . $catalog['id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($catalog['name']) . '</a>' . ($page > 1 ? ' | ' . functions::checkout($res['name']) : '') . ']'; echo '<span style="float:right;"><b>[' . $lib['count_views'] . ']</b></span></div>'; ++$i; } } echo $nav; ?>
<?php echo '<div class="phdr"><b>tezkor xabarlar</b></div>'; $kmess = '7'; $cat_id = 1; //bu yerga kategorya idsini yozasiz $total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_texts` WHERE `time` AND `premod`=1 AND `cat_id` = '".$cat_id."'"), 0); $start = $page == 1 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $kmess; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `time`, `uploader`, `uploader_id`, `count_views`, `comments`, `count_comments`, `cat_id`, `announce` FROM `library_texts` WHERE `premod`=1 AND `cat_id` = '".$cat_id."' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $kmess); $nav = ($total > $kmess) ? '<div class="menu"><center>' . functions::display_pagination('?act=new&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</center></div>' : ''; if ($total) { $i = 0; $comm = mysql_result( mysql_query("select count(*) from `cms_library_comments` where `refid` = '".$lib['id']."'"),0); echo '<div class="menu"><a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/library/index.php?id=' . $lib['id'] . '"><b>' . $lib['name'] . '</b></a> ['. functions::display_date($lib['time']) . ']<br>'.mb_substr($lib['announce'],0,100).'...<br>'; $catalog = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `library_cats` WHERE `id` = " . $lib['cat_id'] . " LIMIT 1")); echo '[<a href="/library/index.php?do=dir&id=' . $catalog['id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($catalog['name']) . '</a>' . ($page > 1 ? ' | ' . functions::checkout($res['name']) : '') . ']'; echo '<span style="float:right;"><b>[' . $lib['count_views'] . ']</b></span></div>'; ++$i; } } echo $nav; ?>
+ (1): Besthakker,
SiRiuS_11, # SiRiuS_11 (07.04.2020 / 11:36)
Masalan men admin panelni bosh sahifada özimga körinadigan qilmoqchiman? Qanday qilinadi shu?
Masalan men admin panelni bosh sahifada özimga körinadigan qilmoqchiman? Qanday qilinadi shu?
$adm_id = 1; //oziyizni id raqamiz if($user_id == $adm_id) { echo 'admin panel'; }
+ (1): Fokuschi,
developer, # developer (07.04.2020 / 12:18)
SiRiuS_11, $adm_id = 1; //oziyizni id raqamiz
if($user_id == $adm_id)
echo 'admin panel';
}Head.php gami yoki mainmenu.php ga yozaymi?
SiRiuS_11, $adm_id = 1; //oziyizni id raqamiz
if($user_id == $adm_id)
echo 'admin panel';
}Head.php gami yoki mainmenu.php ga yozaymi?
Tavsiya etamiz:
- Hoziroq maydonlarni to'ldiring va reklamangizni joylashtiring!
Mavzuga oid xabarlar soni: 536 ta
So'ngi faollik vaqti: 02:12:02, 25 Feb 2021